Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Busy week

Lately I've been really busy.

Work, friends, boyfriend, housework, getting my drivers license. Yeah, lot's to do.

But I've been able to squeeze in a few practices. I thought I would give you a follow-up on my "list of improvement", so here's how everything is going.

My invert to chopper has really improved. I'm working a lot on pointing toes, getting clean lines, holding the chopper forever and getting a little momentum.... I really struggle with my momentum, can't spin while inverting, unless I'm doing aerial invert. Btw, I got the aerial invert! Feeling a lot of doors has opened up for me now, hehe ^^

I'm really happy with my butterfly, so I'll check that one off my list! Next one would be extended, but since I'm nowhere near that flexible yet, I'll save it for another time (: Both superman and cupid needs a lot of work, still. But I'm getting there!

I've had a couple of workouts since last post, so I've learned some new tricks as well. Got my phoenix, my aerial invert and my russian layback! Each move still needs a lot of perfecting, need to get flexier for my phoenix to look prettier, still need to work on my basic inverts in order to make aerial better, and need to work a lot on transitioning into and out from russian layback.

Not the best angle, gonna get a better pic as soon as I have it perfected

I'm also happy to say that my progress with the splits is really going forward! If I can keep up my training I guess I'll have my splits by the end of the summer! YAY, FINALLY! Not my box-split though, that one is faaaaar away in the future, lol.

I'm also ambitious about getting a real video out asap. With some real choreography, but trying to keep it at a low level. Need to get my groove on, and not just practice tricks.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Hi fellow polers, and pole-interested readers!

It's been a while since I updated, so thought I would give you a quick little catch-up on my pole-journey. First of all, I was forced to take a two-week break from pole in may. I've prepared a post about it which I'll publish as soon as I have it done, but for now I'll just say it was because of an accident involving alcohol, high heels and a gravel road.... So yeah, had to take some time off the pole to let my wounds recover and avoid scars.

But now I'm back on the pole, and so is my "student", who's practicing with me regularly. She also had to take a break due to surgery, but now she's fit to fight again and she's even got herself a pole of her own! Congrats, Maria :D If you want to check her pole-skills out you may have a look on her blog here.

As for myself, I've been a little strict on my practices lately. I have a lot to work on, so new and desired moves are put on the shelf for a while. My little list of things that need polishing are

  • Inverting into chopper - Over all my inverting needs to get cleaner. My chopper is really unsteady, but it's so great for getting into the leg-hangs (figured that out when I first watched my superman-video, my feet were everywhere), so I have to perfect that A LOT! Here's footage from last practice, it's already looking better.

  • The "dance" part of poledance - I'm more into poledance than pure polefitness, but I'm always struggling with a new move or polishing something else, so I always end up "saving" the dancing for "next" time. Trying to get better at this, especially since I'm aiming for attending the Norwegian Pole Sport Championship next year.
  • Superman, Cupid and Butterfly - Before learning any new moves I'm set to perfect these three a little more. I've managed to get a decent butterfly, need to clean up the transitioning into superman, and the cupid is nowhere near perfect... Yet!
  • Getting out of invert - I can dive down almost perfectly, but I often forget to, or I'm just too lazy.... A bad habit that ruins a lot of my videos, instead of gracefully diving down from crucifix I usually just do.... this
Also, maybe need to polish up my photoshop-skills,
that thing in the left corner is really bugging me.

So yeah, a pretty little list of things that needs perfecting. What has really made me want to perfect these is my videos. A lot of things in my videos just looks super-sloppy, because they are super-sloppy, and it's ruining my happy moments. Grrr, I want to look like a star, at least for the 15 seconds Instagram is giving me, but instead I look like a real amateur. Haha, it's motivating me though, so I guess it's good for something!