Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Challenges and accomplishments!

I was feeling down and out. I had lost my spirit, my motivation and ambition. I knew what to do. I knew I just had to push through it. Like I've done all the other times things got a little rough.
And then, out of nowhere I got my very first shoulder mount!

Watch the vid on my IG

I'm still in awe of myself. I can't believe that I'm actually able to do it. I've always admired all the ladies and gents who are able to do this. So much strength. So much practice and hard work put into it. And now me. Now it's my turn.
I must be honest and say, no, it's not a purebred deadlift, but I'm working towards that. My momentum is anyway pretty small and controlled, so I'll say that I'm able to do a controlled and safe shoulder mount and cross it off my list. Feels gooooood.

My other goals yet to reach for 2014 are

  • Crossed Ankle Release
  • Orion
  • Front splits
  • Ayesha
  • Superman to inside leghang drop
  • Knee hold
  • Free handstand
  • Free headstand
I'm being pretty strict on my goals. I can do a CAR, but I can't do it while feeling safe and comfortable, and therefore will not use it in a choreo. And therefore wont cross it of my list. I came pretty close to the front-splits today, tried out some different stretching-techniques, if they prove to be more effective I might make a post on that later.

Monday, September 29, 2014

A little discouraged

I've been trying to write a couple of posts over the last few weeks, but haven't bothered to finish any of them. Truth is, I'm feeling a little discouraged.

It's different this time. It's not because I "can't" do anything, or that I don't see progress, or that I'm feeling frustrated or something.... I just don't feel like dancing. The thought of practicing gives me a empty feeling, it makes me sigh and I just want to wait until I feel more in the mood. That hasn't happened yet.

But I got a new pair of shorts and a new top, so I got that going for me, which is nice. Haha, ok, bad joke. I love my new shorts, they are gorgeous! And I've desired this top for a long time too, it's so cute. And now it's finally mine! Thanks to RAD Polewear<3

I started working on my first routine though, and it's coming together pretty good. The first minute is already done, a minute containing mostly floorwork. That's been challenging, since I never do floorwork. Floorwork isn't exactly boring, I just feel like floorwork doesn't take as much work to get good at as pole-moves, so I never take the time to practice it. It's looking good though, it's kind of a sexy routine. I'll maybe post a video after next practice. Now I'm starting on the pole-part of the routine. Finally ^_^

Like, who bothers to draw nicely when they're making a routine? Seriously

Aaaaaand I've signed up for a pole-challenge during october. So now I kinda have to keep up my practices. My goal is to actually post one photo (or video) a day. This pole-challenge is excellent for me. I've always wanted to do a pole-challenge, but never found one that fit me. Most of them contain way to advanced moves for me, like maybe I could finish half of it. Day one - Allegra. Day two - Machine Gun. Day three - Spatchcock. Day four - Oversplits. Like, come on guys! And others weren't even about pole. Not really. Like february handstand. I tried to do it. I managed two days in a row.... Just got way to boring for me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pole Progress - OMG I'm cheating!

I really wanna make a full routine one day, so I've started practicing on the thousands of combos I've written down in my pole-diary over the months. Maybe I can string some of them together and add some floorwork and such to make a routine? That would be neat!

Anyway, it's a good thing that I've started to work harder on the combos. Cause I suck at poleing continuously. Seriously, after one combo I'm out of breath, sweating and panting ferociously, and I can't for the love of God understand how I'm supposed to keep it up for a whole routine when I can barely make it through one combo without dying from oxygen deprivation. I wonder if it is physically possible to actually forget to breathe....

But I worked on a hard combo though, the combo was all in the air on the pole and included an aerial invert. I'm not doing too well on the aerial invert, it's gotten better as I'm able to get straight into chopper, without hooking any legs on the pole to help me bring my hips up. So I thought I did great, but when I watched my video and noticed that I use my climbing-foot to push myself from the pole and gain momentum to get up.... So I'm actually cheating.... Dang it.... Doesn't look very pretty, have to work on that.

I'm also hooking up with Maria on thursday to start up with the training again. I need to work on my instructor-skills and she told me she's been kind of stuck and lost her pole-mojo over the summer, so it's a win-win! Gonna have a look at her invert, her leg-hangs and see if we can get her butterfly prettied up a little, and maybe try something new? Have to think about it, come up with something cool. Maybe falling star?

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Peacock

During the instructors course I found out so many things about myself. One being that I am actually getting close to shoulder mount! All this time I thought I just wasn't strong enough and that I needed more core-muscles, when actually it was mostly my technique that was wrong. Can you believe that?! Me, shoulder-mounting?!!! I'm so inspired and motivated right now, I just wanna work that core so that I'll get there asap! So yeah, it wasn't just my technique, I still have a long way to go, but finally I get it!
And when I say close, I mean close as in "I'll be lucky to have a deadlift by january", but for now nearly all my dismounts are shoulder dismounts. Prepping that shoulder for some serious pain. And hey - I can shoulder dismount!

PS is being a bitch and wont let me make proper gifs, so you'll have
to bear with me with a crappy snapshot from the vid. Vid is on my IG

Yes, I am a teeny, tiny bit overly excited about this, but this is really huge for me ^^ Been one of those dream-moves, like it's not even human to be able to do this, you would have to be an alien or a superhero or something to be able to do it.

Back to school supplies (hehe, I love this theme) - a new mat and a stretching band. I've wished for a mat since I got my pole in december and started stretching, but it has always gotten down-voted on my priority list. Because.... because I'm stupid. Stretching has been my least favorite part of my pole-workouts, mainly because my floor is just a thin layer of linoleum on concrete, so it hurts to stretch. More than it should, anyway. My heels hurt, my butt hurts, my elbows, everything. But now I'm actually looking forward to some serious stretching on a comfy, thick mat.

And I revisited an old move, the peacock. I've called it the fish-hook earlier, but on the fb-group "you know when you're a poler when" we discussed this, and the majority of people seem to call this the peacock. And poisson. And russian fish... So I changed to peacock.
This was a move I clearly wasn't ready for when I first learned it. It injured my forearms badly, which caused a 3 weeks lasting pole-break. So I had to keep this move on the shelf for a while till my forearms and wrists became strong enough to support it. I tried it again today, and it didn't hurt at all :D Totally pain-free! Gonna ease into it though, take it slow. Don't wanna get injured again, pole-breaks always messes up my pole-mojo.

I'm back!

I'm seriously never going on a roadtrip again! I get motion-sick so easy, so all I can do is stare out the front of the car the whole trip. Only exceptions are when I'm sleeping, and then I wake up with a hurting neck and an arm asleep, prickling and tickling for the next 5 minutes. Also, it was expensive and tiring, and if you thought living in a suitcase is stressfull, try living in a car. A good thing though was that I was so tired at the end of the day, so when we checked into the hotel I fell asleep right away. I've never had such a good sleeping-pattern my whole damn life!

But I didn't come here to discuss the ups and downs of roadtrips of course. The instructors-course was a blast! I've learned so much, about pole, about teaching, about myself... I think I'm still trying to process it all, it was so much info over such short amount of time.

I'll have to post a serious article or something about this later. Something that still get all of my impressions and points covered, but still neatly enough that people hopefully will care to read. We went through so many things, I might have to split the post into two parts.

Hopefully it will be done by the end of the week.

Snapshot of the group ^^

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Instructors course

This weekend I'm attending an instructors course. I'm really looking forward to this, and my body and mind is overwhelmed by all sorts of feelings. As you know I've been coaching a couple of girls for fun, and when people come visit I often get them to try the pole and learn them a few basic spins. People usually love pole and I really like teaching. So I've been playing around with the idea of starting my own studio.

The course is great for other things to. It's gonna be in a real pole studio. This is actually a bit weird to say, but I've never been to a pole-studio. I've never even touched a pole other than my own. So I'm really looking forward to this. A new experience. More poles. And taller poles! My ceiling is so freaking low I hate it.

This is Drammen Pole Fitness Studio where the course is held

And I'm a little scared to. I'm worried that the other girls are all gonna be like, expert level, shoulder-mounting and iron x-ing all over the place and I'll be left out as the newbie amateur that's never even gone to classes. If that's the case it's luckily just for the weekend.
On the other side I'm happy that I'll be spending my time with girls who shares my passion. Sometimes I feel a little lonely when poleing. I don't have pole-friends who geeks over the trendy move atm, shorts and heels, pole-idols or that can do doubles with me. So it's gonna be great to spend a whole weekend with people that shares my love for pole.

I think this is really gonna help me. We are gonna learn about warm-ups, stretching, technique, grips, damage prevention, spotting, what to teach at the different levels and so on. It will be great for me at least, since I've never attended classes and have basically no clue to what I'm actually doing. Or, of course I've got a clue, I can poledance so I've done something right. But it'll be good to learn how a full workout should be, and whats appropriate to learn when.

Overall I'm pretty much excited. I've been looking forward to this for so long time now, and even if I don't get a studio up and running right away (or ever) it's not gonna be a waste of time and money. The things I'll learn I'm pretty sure is gonna get to good use during my own pole journey. I cant lose one this.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Arrgh, I was hoping to have the split at the end of summer, but now it's August the 18th and I'm still a couple of serious stretching-sessions away from it. Damn it....

It's ok though, I'm not in a rush or anything. But I keep catching myself thinking "where is it? Is it hiding somewhere? I could swear it was supposed to be here by now.....".

Progress-pictures taken 09.january

I made it my new years pole-resolution to at least nail the front-splits by the end of 2014, and when I started practicing for real in April I got a little overly excited and decided to get them before the end of summer....
Well, that didn't happen, but I'm still aiming for nailing them before 2015. I don't need oversplits, I don't even need to be perfectly flat against the floor, but being able to do the Jade or Pole Splits would be nice. Also I'm not too positive about my box-splits since I've never been any good at them, but if they don't show up until 2015 I guess I have a new years resolution for next year.

Bad bad bad pictures, but I see huge improvements in both splits! If I can keep up the workouts and stretching, and also be patient, they'll come in time (:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

About "what men want"

In the heated debate on poledance and polefitness I often come across arguments that goes kinda like this:

"Ultimately, poledance was made for men because men find it sexy and seductive, and it turns them on."

- And therefore it's degrading towards women (optional: and I would never let my daughter do it).
I don't think I really need to explain this argument, but I can't help but wonder: is poledance really degrading towards women and feminism?

I like to ask the question "why does everything have to do with what men want and what men like?".
If men are turned on by poledancing, women shouldn't do it? What if men get turned on by women playing sand-volleyball, they shouldn't do that too? So, if men are turned on by boobs, we shouldn't be wearing deep necklines? Or if men are turned on by women in general, we shouldn't be allowed to be out in public? Because that's what this all boils down to, right? What turns men on?
We've been through this over and over again. Men get turned on by a lot of things! It's in their nature for gods sake, but women can't stop living their lives because men may or may not like their looks or what they do.
So, are you really suggesting that I shouldn't poledance because men likes it? Isn't that degrading? Doesn't that stop me from living my life the way I want to?

And then it's us. What women want, and what women like. I like poledance. I want to poledance. Not because my boyfriend wants me to, or because I feel a pressure to be sexy and satisfying to men. I do it for me. Because I want to. Because I think it's fun. Because it's my idea of a fun, yet effective workout. Is that so hard to understand? Could you open up your mind just enough to believe that I actually want this? That it's not about pleasing men, but pleasing myself?

The truth is, whatever I think, and whatever men think, poledance can be both an uplift and it can be degrading. The same goes with body-types, clothing, hair-styles, sex, hobbies, carrier or whatever. The problem isn't the things we do or if men get turned on by it or not. What's degrading towards women is when our situation forces us to do things we don't wanna do, or if we feel pressured to do things in order to please others rather than ourselves.

And you'll never be able to please everybody anyway

I don't think poledancing is degrading. I think it's great that those who want to do it do it, and I think it's great that those who don't want to just don't. And I think it's about time that we do the things we want to do for ourselves, and respect each other for the choices we make. You, me, men and women.

Friday, August 15, 2014


I've started on my list of pole-moves yaaaay :D I think it would be a good idea to have everything at one place, as a reference, memory-lane, inspo and such. I still miss a few images, and would like to get some new pictures of the moves I already have pictures of. Like the Russian layback, the angle, the lighting, it's just wrong and doesn't serve the move any justice at all... And it doesn't exactly look awesome and impressive either, so that really has to go. And the Butterfly too, the image is way too dark.

So soon I'll hopefully have my own little photoshoot. I won't bother looking up and pay a photographer to have these pictures taken, just me and my camera in my bedroom will do. Maybe put on some fun make-up, play around with hair and clothing, yeah. Also, then I'd finally get my design started. I have an idea of how I want it, so I just need some good quality photos of myself on the pole and I'm ready to begin.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

List of polemoves

Here I'll post pictures of the moves that I've learned (:

I don't have pictures of everything yet so they will be posted later. Also, pictures and gifs will probably be switched out over time as I'll constantly be working on and get better at the different moves, and getting files with better quality than these.

Fireman spin (picture coming soon)

Front hook to back hook spin

Stag to back stag spin

Sunwheel spin

Chair spin  (picture coming soon)

Carousel spin  (picture coming soon)

Dolphin spin  (picture coming soon)

Swan spin variation

Corkscrew (picture coming soon)

Angel spin (picture coming soon)

Pretzel spin variation

Cradle (picture coming soon)


Hangback (with bridge)


Plank (picture coming soon)


Basic invert to chopper

Inverted crucifix

Inside leg-hang (picture coming soon)

Outside leg-hang




Eye opener (picture coming soon)


Russian Layback

Fallen star (picture coming soon)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

What to expect from your first lesson

Questions that often pops up on the poledance reddit and fb-groups are about preparing for your first lesson, what to expect, what to wear, what you will learn, etc. So I thought I would answer some of the usual questions here on the blog (:

"What should I wear?" and "do I HAVE to wear teeny tiny shorts, stripper-heels and whatnot?"

In order to stick to the pole you need bare skin. This is the poles rule, not mine.
Different studios have different clothing-rules though so I recommend you ask your studio what they think you should wear. Personally I'd recommend shorts, sports-bra and a t-shirt, a sweater and a pair of pants or leggings for warm-up. I really encourage beginners to start off in shorts because a lot of beginner-moves and spins require / is easier with bare legs, but if you're not comfortable with it no professional studio is gonna force you to show up half naked.
Also, I recommend beginners start off barefoot. Heels are for the more advanced girls.

"I am a plus-size, can I still poledance?"

Yes, yes and a hundred times yes!

"Do I have to strip / will we learn stripping?"

No, you don't have to strip, and no, you don't learn stripping at pole-classes. Poledancing is not stripping, and therefore you will not learn that at pole-class.

"What if the other girls look at me?"

Trust me, they won't. The other girls will be so caught up in their own thing that looking at you will be the last thing on their mind. And if they do, they're probably just admiring, or trying to figure out what to do.

"I saw a really cool video on youtube, will we learn that?"

I don't know what you saw, but you'll probably not learn it in your intro-class. I've heard people say that pole-class wasn't fun because all they learned was two to four spins and some floorwork, and it was nothing like they imagined (like what they saw on youtube). Just hang in there! Rome wasn't built on one day, and the same goes for those skills needed to do whatever crazy performance you saw on youtube. Just keep at it, it's important to get those beginner-moves down before the craziness starts, but it will take some time.

"Don't you have to be super-strong to poledance?"

I'd like to quote Nicole The Pole here, poledance is not easy, but it's easy to learn. Nobody's got the muscles needed to shoulder-mount on their first class, people rarely got the muscles to do a single pull-up at their first lesson. At the beginner-classes you start off with hanging from the pole. No pulling yourself up, just hanging by your arms. These are the basic spins, spins where the only thing your muscles will have to do is holding on. And you can do that!

"What if I fall?" and "what if I hit the floor?"

The fear of falling during beginner-spins is something psychological you just have to work on. You just gotta face the fear and believe that if you fall, you won't die. You won't injure yourself, it might be a little painful, but that's it.
When it comes to more advanced and dangerous moves like inverts we take precautions like using crash-mats, having a spotter and planning safety-exits. But that comes later.

"Do I have to be sexy / do sexy stuff?"

No, you don't have to feel (be) sexy and you don't need to do anything you're not comfortable with. And if you like the sexy-thing, that's up to you! Everyone has their own style, some like it sexy, some like it classy, some like it to be mostly acrobatics... and I think it's great that everyone is different and has their own unique style, how boring wouldn't it be if we all danced the same way?

"Does it hurt to poledance?" and "will I get bruises?"

Yes and yes. The pole is made from hard steel which you hang off from your skin. You will squeeze your flesh and bones hard against the pole to keep yourself from falling. But luckily the pain is temporary. After your second lesson with climbing it will already get easier and much less painful. Bruises vary from person to person, some get a lot and big ones, some get a few and small ones. But it's all temporary, and when your body has adapted to a move it will stop bruising and hurting (:

"Do I have to perform or compete?"

No (: You may use your new skill to do whatever you like. Maybe you want to compete or perform, or maybe you want to become an instructor and even start your own studio. Or you just like to do it at home or at your studio, for yourself, for the fun of it. It's all up to you!

"Will I get bulky?"

Over time you will get some broad shoulders, big muscles on your arms and back and a toned stomach, but this is after years and years of training! But ultimately yes, poledance is a sport that is almost entirely founded on strength and to get better you will have to get muscles.

"What will we learn at beginner-classes?"

This vary from studio to studio, and I haven't gone to classes myself. But from what I have seen on the internet you'll probably be introduced to some spins like the fireman and the front-hook spin, you'll probably learn how to climb and how to sit and various floor-work moves. (Links to youtube tutorials)

"What if people judge me as a stripper / slut / whore etc?"

Sadly, haters gonna hate and people are gonna judge. That's just a risk you're gonna have to take.

I hope that cleared up some of the questions you might have had, and if there's anything else don't be afraid to ask in the comment section (:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

My top 5

Lately, I've been tired and uninspired.
It happens every time I'm forced to take a break. First it was injury, and right after that I went on vacation, and came straight home to work-work-work. I feel like work really drains my energy down to zero, which is frustrating. How can I get better if I never have the energy to practice?

Luckily, these five videos always seem to help me out. Let me give you my top 5 list of youtube-videos that always gives me inspiration, ambition and a smile on my face!

no. 1 - Jenyne Butterfly at PolePressure 2011

This must be my favourite of all time. Gives me goosebumps all over my body. I love it from 00:00 to the end. The start, were she dances happy, free, seems even a bit clumsy, is perfect. You can see she is really having fun up there, embracing the moment and enjoying the dance. She then proceeds to the most hardcore tricks, all in pace with the music. Love it!

no. 2 - Anastasia Sokolova at Ukraine Got Talent

What I love most about this is how she managed to be herself, sexy girl, sexy costume, sexy dance to rock n' roll, and still managed to show the world her true talent. Sadly, as mesmerizing a girls sexuality may be, many people are also blinded by it, and aren't able to move their focus from her appearance to what she is really trying to show.
I love her style, it sexy, raw and powerful, but don't let it fool you! She's also strong, flexible and a talented dancer. Keep at it!

no. 3 - DirdyBirdy to Wicked Games by The Weeknd

This is the first video I fell in love with. Simple, graceful and also, it's improvised! I love that there are no big, scary, advanced super-flexy-so-painful--that-youregonnadie moves, but it's most about the execution of the moves, the movement itself, and, of course, pointing your toes!

no. 4 - Emma Haslam at Britain's Got Talent

You can't NOT love this video, it's impossible! Also, most of us have heard it before "I can't poledance, I don't have the body to do it". Yes you fucking do, you have a body don't you?! If she can do it, can't you? I mean, she's gotta weigh like the twice of me, and she can do an elbow-grip ayesha?!! Everything is possible if you work hard enough to get it!
The cherry on top - she also has the confidence to put herself out there, in minimal clothing, on a "stripper-pole", in our body-fixated world. Respect!

no. 5 - Yeva Shiyanova to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

No, it's not poledancing, but you would love to do floorwork like this, wouldn't you? Yeah, I thought so too.
I can be sexy.... as long as there is silly laughter afterwards... I really lack confidence in this department of poledance. I just.... can't. It feels awkward, unnatural and silly, I have huge issues with taking my sexuality seriously. What to do? Work on it. A lot. Fake it till you make it. This video is my ultimate goal. Letting go, be dramatic, be sexy. I'm probably never gonna turn out a twerking-goddess, but a little bit of this wouldn't be too bad.

So, who did I leave out? Who's your favourite dancers, videos, your sources of inspiration and ambition?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Let's talk injuries

The oh-so-boring part of poledance. Injuries. It's pretty common, if you haven't got injured yet, you probably will someday. A strained muscle or something. Or maybe it's not even pole-related at all. Maybe one day, at winter perhaps, you will slip on the ice, fall and break your arm. Even a bad cold could slow you down. That's just life, shit happens.

I got my first couple of strained muscles about one week after I got my pole. I'm a fast learner, my body adapts well, and my quick progress fed my ego and made me even more eager to train than I already was. I guess I practiced the first week straight before I hit the wall.

I hadn't paid too much attention to do everything properly from the beginning, and my first bad habit was holding my outside arm way too high in basic spins. I strained my deltoid muscle (shoulder) and it took three weeks to recover. I also strained one of my calf-muscles during a chopper, which took three weeks to recover as well.

This happened in mid-december. I was recovered in the middle of january, but something had changed. The progress I had made was gone. Suddenly everything hurt again. It hurt to climb, it hurt to invert, everything except the basic spins hurt. I basically had to start from scratch again. I exercised a few times in january, a couple of tries in february, but the spark was gone. I was utterly discouraged, nothing seemed to go my way. Everything hurt, the pole was slippery as f***, my legs never got warm enough to stick, I couldn't figure anything out. It was pointless. I gave up.

Until a day in late march. The boyfriend had just fallen asleep, and I was cleaning my room since I couldn't sleep. And the pole was just there. In the middle of my room, where it has been since I put it up. I took a couple of spins. Like, it was just standing there right? Why not just use it? Just for fun? Suddenly those couple of spins resulted in me having a little 30min workout. Put on my new, unworn pole-shorts from lulu lemon which the boy had bought me from his trip to the states. I had a blast. I had fun on the pole until my arms were shaking and sweat was dripping. I had finally found the joy in poledancing again.

Since then I've been practicing regularly, but with a couple of rest-days between each practice. I've learned from the mistake of exercising way too hard way too often. And I've come into a pretty good pattern. I usually work out on thursdays and fridays, because that's my days off work, and when the girls come over for lessons.

Unfortunately, I got injured again. Or I was on the way to get injured. I'm not sure what it is, but my forearms hurt while doing some types of moves, like the fishhook. It wasn't too bad at first, but over time it got worse, and last practice it was so bad I figured I had to take some time off before seriously hurting myself. Dang, I've been hitting some bad speed-bumps lately.... It's been two weeks since last practice, so I'm gonna try again today and see if it's gotten better. And avoid the moves that triggered the pain in the first place...

The fish-hook

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Busy week

Lately I've been really busy.

Work, friends, boyfriend, housework, getting my drivers license. Yeah, lot's to do.

But I've been able to squeeze in a few practices. I thought I would give you a follow-up on my "list of improvement", so here's how everything is going.

My invert to chopper has really improved. I'm working a lot on pointing toes, getting clean lines, holding the chopper forever and getting a little momentum.... I really struggle with my momentum, can't spin while inverting, unless I'm doing aerial invert. Btw, I got the aerial invert! Feeling a lot of doors has opened up for me now, hehe ^^

I'm really happy with my butterfly, so I'll check that one off my list! Next one would be extended, but since I'm nowhere near that flexible yet, I'll save it for another time (: Both superman and cupid needs a lot of work, still. But I'm getting there!

I've had a couple of workouts since last post, so I've learned some new tricks as well. Got my phoenix, my aerial invert and my russian layback! Each move still needs a lot of perfecting, need to get flexier for my phoenix to look prettier, still need to work on my basic inverts in order to make aerial better, and need to work a lot on transitioning into and out from russian layback.

Not the best angle, gonna get a better pic as soon as I have it perfected

I'm also happy to say that my progress with the splits is really going forward! If I can keep up my training I guess I'll have my splits by the end of the summer! YAY, FINALLY! Not my box-split though, that one is faaaaar away in the future, lol.

I'm also ambitious about getting a real video out asap. With some real choreography, but trying to keep it at a low level. Need to get my groove on, and not just practice tricks.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Hi fellow polers, and pole-interested readers!

It's been a while since I updated, so thought I would give you a quick little catch-up on my pole-journey. First of all, I was forced to take a two-week break from pole in may. I've prepared a post about it which I'll publish as soon as I have it done, but for now I'll just say it was because of an accident involving alcohol, high heels and a gravel road.... So yeah, had to take some time off the pole to let my wounds recover and avoid scars.

But now I'm back on the pole, and so is my "student", who's practicing with me regularly. She also had to take a break due to surgery, but now she's fit to fight again and she's even got herself a pole of her own! Congrats, Maria :D If you want to check her pole-skills out you may have a look on her blog here.

As for myself, I've been a little strict on my practices lately. I have a lot to work on, so new and desired moves are put on the shelf for a while. My little list of things that need polishing are

  • Inverting into chopper - Over all my inverting needs to get cleaner. My chopper is really unsteady, but it's so great for getting into the leg-hangs (figured that out when I first watched my superman-video, my feet were everywhere), so I have to perfect that A LOT! Here's footage from last practice, it's already looking better.

  • The "dance" part of poledance - I'm more into poledance than pure polefitness, but I'm always struggling with a new move or polishing something else, so I always end up "saving" the dancing for "next" time. Trying to get better at this, especially since I'm aiming for attending the Norwegian Pole Sport Championship next year.
  • Superman, Cupid and Butterfly - Before learning any new moves I'm set to perfect these three a little more. I've managed to get a decent butterfly, need to clean up the transitioning into superman, and the cupid is nowhere near perfect... Yet!
  • Getting out of invert - I can dive down almost perfectly, but I often forget to, or I'm just too lazy.... A bad habit that ruins a lot of my videos, instead of gracefully diving down from crucifix I usually just do.... this
Also, maybe need to polish up my photoshop-skills,
that thing in the left corner is really bugging me.

So yeah, a pretty little list of things that needs perfecting. What has really made me want to perfect these is my videos. A lot of things in my videos just looks super-sloppy, because they are super-sloppy, and it's ruining my happy moments. Grrr, I want to look like a star, at least for the 15 seconds Instagram is giving me, but instead I look like a real amateur. Haha, it's motivating me though, so I guess it's good for something!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Already amazed

I've been a little lazy the last couple of weeks, haven't bothered to put up a camera during my workouts. Frankly, I always get a little disappointed and feeling a little bit ashamed when I look at videos of myself dancing. Suddenly I'm able to see myself from another perspective, and then noticing all my mistakes and bad habits. So, sadly I've felt a little discouraged about taking pictures and videos.

And I don't wanna blog about my achievements when I got nothing to show for it. Which is too bad. I read through the few posts I've published so far on this blog, and I am already amazed by my progress. I got my outside leg-hang on 11th April, but to me it feels like ages ago. It feels like I've been stuck on the gemini for months, but actually it only took me two weeks to go from gemini to superman.

It's great to go back and look at my journey. Especially when it feels like I've been standing still for a while. It's like I don't feel the progress if I don't nail a new move or combo at every practice, but it helps when I can remind me when I accomplished what. Then it doesn't seem so long ago since I progressed after all.

Fish-hook, screenshot from vid
I've nailed a few other moves since last time. I got the "fish hook" (that's the name I've heard for it) by a mistake and suddenly - a new move (: I think it looks awesome! Love it.

Aaaaaand the cupid. I thought I got it a while ago, but wasn't able to do it again at the next practice, so I've struggled a fair bit with it. But now I've really learned it. Like, I'm able to do it again with no problem. I've figured it out. It's pretty heavy though, so I have to practice it a lot before I get comfortable in it. My upper body just kinda want's to let go and fall to the floor.

I'm really happy though, it was my first goal move. The really REALLY first one. I remember when I was waiting for my x-pole from the U.K, and I was switching between renovating the basement (for pole-space) and watching pole-videos on youtube, dreaming about the day the basement was done and my pole had arrived. The first pole-video I fell in love with was DirdyBirdys freestyle to Wicked Games, and when she did the cupid at the beginning. It was so beautiful, so elegant, I just knew I had to learn that. Now I just gotta learn to do it as graceful as her, lol. But I'll get there (:

Friday, April 25, 2014

The victory of superman, and other happenings!

Today I did a move that I've had trouble with for a long time. For me it was ten times harder than it looked like on videos, I just couldn't seem to figure it out. Since I started working on my leg-hangs I've slowly been working towards this special move. For a lot of polers it's a milestone, and for some even the mark itself between beginner and intermediate. Do you know which move I'm talking about?

Today I finally landed the superman!

Screenshot from vid,  you can watch the vid on instagram
My particular struggle with this move at first was getting into it. I just couldn't find a way that was right for me to move into it from. Then I watched Jamilla Deville's Art of Pole dvd's and got my eyes open for the possibilities of the gemini and started practicing. I had never really thought about the outside leg-hang as important, and generally I had been avoiding it because of the pain, but when I watched her dvd's I saw the possibilities, and started to work hard on my leg-hangs.

And when I got comfortable in my leg-hangs, I started to work towards superman. The problem now was the legs. I wasn't able to turn my hips from sideways to the floor without massive pain, so much that everytime I got close I had to break it off. Annoying and frustrating.....

Then I turned to youtube. Started to watch videos, tutorials and so on. Anything with the superman in it. I was busy analyzing everything when I noticed how a girl used her arm to push herself from the pole while in gemini. That was what I was taught too, except she held her hand higher, pushed herself further from the pole and she held her hand in a different way. Could it really be that easy?

My biggest bruise yet, on the inner thigh
Of course it wasn't easy. It hurt like a bitch, I was scared of letting my hips drop, felt like I had no control and so on. Took a couple of tries before I got it. But oh, what a glorious moment it was when I finally did it. I still remember the smile on my face, the tingeling feeling in my stomach of pure joy and victory. And everything I had to do were those things. Holding my hand different, higher, and pushing myself further from the pole.

I feel that I'm in a good pattern now. Every time I get a little better, a little stronger, and I feel like I'm finally able to harvest the fruits of my hard work. I came up with another combo the other day too, that I'm working towards. Looking forward to the day that I finally get it!

Otherwise I'm happy to announce that I've officially signed up for the instructor-program! And I even got an appointment with the bank next week. It's nothing huge, just a kind of counseling meeting about maybe opening my own business in pole, how I'm gonna go about it, where to start, how to get the money and so on. But I'm really excited! Stuff is happening yo!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Keeping track of my progress

If there's one thing I think is super important when poledancing, it's keeping track of your progress. I have this blog, I have a pole-diary, I try as hard as I can to take photos and record videos, and the last part has been particularly hard. As I said before, I've lost the screw that connects my SLR-camera to my tripod, and I just can't find a place to buy single screws... Looks like I have to buy a new tripod then.

And I really want to be more active on Instagram. The girl that inspired me to try poledance posts videos of herself regularly on IG, and I really want to do it too. But on the other hand I'm to lazy to bother with getting my phone balanced up on books n' stuff. Sooooo here's my new toy!

It wasn't expensive at all, 300nok (norwegian kroner) or about 50usd. And it's pretty handy, for those of you who aren't familiar with tripods and camera equipment a GorillaPod has bendy "legs", so I can wrap the tripod around lamps, doorknobs, trees, maybe even up on the pole etc. So now I'm hopefully gonna get better on posting videos and pictures, both here and on Instagram. My IG account is @liandcats, and if you want me to check your out you can just leave your account in the comment-section (:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Finally something new to show

Since I've started teaching the girls, I've gotten better at practicing regularly myself. When the girls come over I want them to have as much fun as possible, so I work out an hour or two before they arrive so the pole is warmed up and ready to go. And today it really paid off! I've been stuck practicing leg-hangs for a couple of weeks now, which is fine cause I need to perfect them. But after a while it get's boring to just do the same thing over and over, so today I wanted to try something new.

I tried brass monkey, which I got at my first attempt! Or kinda, it needs a lot of work before I would call it a good brass monkey. And then.... That effing butterfly. It's been bothering me for a while now, I've just never found the proper way to get into it, and every time I thought I had it I got stunned by fear and couldn't let my leg go. But I watched a video where a girl went from gemini into butterfly, tried it myself and it was just ridiculous how easy it actually was.... Here I've been the whole time, perfecting my leg-hangs and struggeling with my butterfly, and this was the solution the whole time? REALLY?! But of course I'm happy I finally "cracked the code" and got it! The moves needs a lot of work, but at least it's a start.

Then the girls came over and we got a lot done today! They're starting to get really good at sitting and climbing, so I decided to teach them the hangback with bridge and inverting. And they did sooooo good! Very proud of how much we did today, they're really getting somewhere!

June in hangback bridge & inverted
And even more pole-stuff happened today! We have decided that June and Maria are going to practice regularly with me, and tomorrow I have another girl coming over for a try. It's almost starting to get a little out of hand, if the new girl want's to continue training and she also needs to come regularly I'm getting a lot of busy evenings. I also see a lot of other people who want's to try pole, but I can't take them all. 

Soooooooo I emailed the only woman in Norway who has instructor-lessons. Like, you get a license and everything if you pass the exam at the end of the lessons. I want to start my own studio when I get good enough, and the next instructor-program is in August, so I emailed her some questions about the program and if everything goes as planned I'm signing up!