I really wanna make a full routine one day, so I've started practicing on the thousands of combos I've written down in my pole-diary over the months. Maybe I can string some of them together and add some floorwork and such to make a routine? That would be neat!
Anyway, it's a good thing that I've started to work harder on the combos. Cause I suck at poleing continuously. Seriously, after one combo I'm out of breath, sweating and panting ferociously, and I can't for the love of God understand how I'm supposed to keep it up for a whole routine when I can barely make it through one combo without dying from oxygen deprivation. I wonder if it is physically possible to actually forget to breathe....
But I worked on a hard combo though, the combo was all in the air on the pole and included an aerial invert. I'm not doing too well on the aerial invert, it's gotten better as I'm able to get straight into chopper, without hooking any legs on the pole to help me bring my hips up. So I thought I did great, but when I watched my video and noticed that I use my climbing-foot to push myself from the pole and gain momentum to get up.... So I'm actually cheating.... Dang it.... Doesn't look very pretty, have to work on that.
I'm also hooking up with Maria on thursday to start up with the training again. I need to work on my instructor-skills and she told me she's been kind of stuck and lost her pole-mojo over the summer, so it's a win-win! Gonna have a look at her invert, her leg-hangs and see if we can get her butterfly prettied up a little, and maybe try something new? Have to think about it, come up with something cool. Maybe falling star?
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